
All children are encouraged to wear and take pride in their school uniform. Basic ‘plain’ items such as trousers and polo shirts can be bought from any retailer, but purple sweatshirts, cardigans and PE t shirts embroidered with our school logo – as well as (optional) book bags and purple fleeces, shower-proof jackets, rucksacks and caps – need to be ordered from our dedicated webshop, www.lpf.deco-uniforms.com

If ordering on-line is tricky for you, please have a chat with the school office.

Please note that at the front of each school, near our offices, we have rails of donated second-hand uniform items which can be purchased at a very modest price. All proceeds go to the Friends of Graffham and Duncton Schools (our PTA).

 – purple sweatshirt or cardigan with embroidered school logo – order from webshop.
– plain white polo shirt
– grey skirt or pinafore dress or plain grey or black trousers 
– plain socks or tights
– dark coloured sensible shoes (no heels, slip-ons or trainers)

Shower-proof jackets and warmer, zipped fleece tops in school colours with embroidered school logo are optional – but are available to order from the webshop.

Summer Uniform changes (optional) :
– lilac gingham dresses
– grey or black shorts
– sandals that give full protection to the toes

PE Kit – Children should come to school in PE kit on their PE day (or if they are attending sports club at Graffham)
– purple t-shirt with embroidered school logo – order from webshop.
– black shorts and tracksuit / jogging bottoms for colder weather
– white socks
– trainers

All weather gear
We encourage children to go out to play whatever the weather! We therefore ask everyone to have:
– a pair of wellies to leave at school
– a waterproof coat with a hood
– appropriate seasonal clothes – ie hat and gloves in winter, sun hat in summer.

Rucksacks and book bags – There are book bags and two sizes of rucksack available to order from the webshop. These rucksacks are optional but we do require all children to have a school bookbag.