We care deeply about the social, emotional and mental health needs of all of the children at Graffham and Duncton schools. As a small school, we are able to build strong relationships
with all of our children and families. The Inclusion Manager takes additional responsibility for building a relationship with each child & family on the SEND register in order for the children to feel free to share emotional and social concerns and to build strategies together in order to solve problems. Pastoral support can also be provided by the child’s class teacher, as well as accessing a Local Authority Family Support Worker where appropriate. We are fortunate in that we also employ the services of Beth Stamper, a family therapist. She is based at our schools two days a week. A referral based system is in place to ensure every family has fair access.
We are a fully inclusive school with a detailed positive behaviour policy that enables children to be aware of our high expectations. We work closely with those children who struggle to manage their behaviour, to ensure that they have opportunities to express themselves appropriately. We adopt a no shame or judgement policy when supporting our children and work hard to develop the acceptance of others around different needs.
For children who require more specialised support, where funding allows, we can access play therapists and community liaison services.