SEND At Graffham & Duncton

Graffham and Duncton SEND Provision

At Graffham Infant and Duncton Junior Schools, we are committed to ensuring the best outcomes for all children including those with SEND. We want our pupils to be independent, to enjoy and be confident in their learning, to make progress and be active members of our school community.

Please read our special education needs and disability (SEND) information report which explains how we deliver and implement support for children with SEND. This report is updated annually.

If you have any questions about the SEN provision at either Graffham CE Infants or Duncton CE Junior, our SENCo would be delighted to discuss this with you further.

West Sussex Local Authority also maintain a SEND directory known as the Local Offer. This can be accessed at

Our SENCo, Mrs Reid, can be contacted via the school office.

SEND Contact Details

If your child has been identified as having additional needs, has a disability, or you would like to know more about what we can offer then please feel free to contact us.

Our named Inclusion Manager (Inclusion Manager – Special Educational Needs & Disability Co-ordinator) for both schools is Mrs. Reid taking

Graffham CE Infant School: 01798 867324 /

Duncton CE Junior School: 01798 342402 /

Mrs Helen Martin (Headteacher), Ms Lisa Bassett (Assistant Head, Duncton) & Mrs Sarah Jane Wethered (Assistant Head, Graffham), are also keen to offer advice/support and to hear your views. Class teachers are also highly trained in adaptive learning experiences and as your child’s class teacher, we would highly recommend you approach them with any concerns you may have. They too can be contacted on the above telephone numbers.

West Sussex Local Authority also maintain a SEND directory known as the Local Offer.


Children who have been highlighted as requiring extra support or intervention are monitored against personalised outcomes linked to the adaptions or intervention they are receiving. Half
termly ‘surgery’ sessions are held between the Inclusion Manager and class teacher to evaluate progress and review further support. Parents’ and children’s views are also sought.
Clear baselines are determined for all outcomes set so that we can easily track progress made. Termly learning walks occur so that leaders can be sure adaptions and interventions are being run and maintained. Book Looks are also completed to ensure adapted learning is available for learners.

We follow the Code of Practice’s cycle of ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review’. Teachers and the Inclusion Manager regularly assess the progress of children receiving support against their personal outcomes. Opportunities to regularly revisit new learning from interventions within whole class teaching helps to embed new skills learnt. Reviewing outcomes can be fluid, depending on progress made. Outcomes are reviewed on a
half termly basis so that support can be put in place in an appropriate and timely manner. 

Across our Federation, all children receive high quality class based teaching, this is reviewed regularly and robustly throughout each term. As part of this Quality First teaching the class teacher will provide adapted work based on the needs of the child. If it is felt that a child is not making expected progress then a graduated response will be adopted using the Assess, Plan, Do, Review approach. We offer a wide variety of evidence based interventions as well as adult supported group work which is carefully monitored to ensure that there is an impact on children’s learning. All support is recorded on an ADPR document or an individual learning (ILP). The format used, depends on the level of support an individual is receiving. ILPs outline the expected outcome of the support; these are formally reviewed termly but are seen as a fluid document. We also deliver therapy specified by outside agencies and endeavor to incorporate these targets into everyday teaching. Changes may be made to provision before the review date set. 

Accordion ContentThe type of support needed for each child to make good progress will depend on the needs of the child. This may be through small group work with an adult to support, 1 to 1 teaching, activities that are more practical in nature, or repetition of some teaching. Pre or post teaching sessions are used to offer a more specific introduction to a topic or a review of previous learning. Adaptions are considered at every level and extend further than solely academic progress. For children with additional need, we will consider adaptions against every school based experience. Some children will have specific needs and may be supported by professionals from the Local Authority services, such as Behaviour Support or Sensory Services, or from outside agencies such as the Educational Psychology Service or Speech and Language Team. 

The degree and kind of support required for each pupil with SEND to make progress will vary. This could include working in class in a small group with an adult, working out of class with an appropriately trained adult in a small group on a specific, time-limited intervention, or advice from external advisers such as the Educational Psychologist Service, Social Communication Team, Learning and Behaviour Advisory Team, Speech and Language Therapists, School Nurse or Occupational Therapists. Specialist advisors may suggest making specific adaptations to the working environment.

Clubs, trips and activities offered to our pupils are fully accessible to all. Where necessary we will seek advice to support children in particular lessons such as PE and we also ensure that outside providers follow the advice given. Where an activity may not be suitable for particular children we will make ‘best endeavours’ to adapt it so that all pupils receive a similar outcome. 

We care deeply about the social, emotional and mental health needs of all of the children at Graffham and Duncton schools. As a small school, we are able to build strong relationships
with all of our children and families. The Inclusion Manager takes additional responsibility for building a relationship with each child & family on the SEND register in order for the children to feel free to share emotional and social concerns and to build strategies together in order to solve problems. Pastoral support can also be provided by the child’s class teacher, as well as accessing a Local Authority Family Support Worker where appropriate. We are fortunate in that we also employ the services of Beth Stamper, a family therapist. She is based at our schools two days a week. A referral based system is in place to ensure every family has fair access.

We are a fully inclusive school with a detailed positive behaviour policy that enables children to be aware of our high expectations. We work closely with those children who struggle to manage their behaviour, to ensure that they have opportunities to express themselves appropriately. We adopt a no shame or judgement policy when supporting our children and work hard to develop the acceptance of others around different needs.

For children who require more specialised support, where funding allows, we can access play therapists and community liaison services.

Here are some useful links to possible sources of help:

Government ‘Family Fund’

St Giles Church (Graffham) Parish Priest’s Discretionary Fund
Contact Reverend Vivien at, or  call 01798 867199

West Sussex County Council’s Community Hub
8am-8pm, seven days a week – call  0330 222 7980 or go to                                           

West Sussex Local Offer (a directory of West Sussex SEND services)

Free, thirty-minute parent consultations with the Educational Psychology Service

West Sussex Early Help (family support programme)

West Sussex Parent Carer Forum

Reaching Families – a West Sussex based charity support children and families

West Sussex Mind

Oak National Academy (excellent online learning activities for those with additional needs)

Oak National Academy (manageable therapy activities for in the home)