Our Classes


Wren Class (Reception & Year 1)

Wren Class comprises Reception and Year 1 children. This class is taught by Mrs Sarah Jane Wethered, supported by full time teaching assistant Miss Stacey Carter and part time teaching assistant Mrs Anita Romaniuk. Learning covers both the Early Years Foundation Curriculum (EYFS) for reception children and the National Curriculum for Year 1 children. There is a strong focus on developing independence and curiosity, whilst supporting the children’s social and emotional development.

Kingfisher Class (Year 1-2)

Kingfisher Class at Graffham consists of Year 1 and Year 2 children, and is taught by Mr Mike Lloyd. Our teaching assistant in Kingfisher Class is Ms Cece Fafin. The children follow a creative and connected curriculum based on termly topics; there is a large focus on developing both the children’s love for learning and a sense of responsibility for their own independent learning.


Kestrel Class (Years 3-4)

Our year 3 and 4 class is taught by Ms Alex Harris. We'll have some extra information on the brilliant teaching Alex brings to Kestrel class here shortly.

Peregrine Class (Years 5-6)

Our Year 5 and Year 6 class is taught by Ms Lisa Bassett. Ms Bassett inspires our children to achieve their very best and really get the most out of their final years with us.

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Get In Touch

Duncton CE Junior School

Tel: 01798 342402  office@dunctonjunior.org.uk

Graffham CE Infant School

Tel: 01798 867324  office@graffhaminfant.org.uk