Make A Payment or Donation To FGD Via BACS

Bank Name – HSBC Bank
A/c Name – Duncton & Graffham Schools PTA
Sort Code – 40-17-16
A/c No. 01780662
Ref: [Family Name] (Unless Agreed Otherwise)

FGD is the official PTA for Graffham & Duncton, and does a fantastic job arranging a range of fantastic events throughout the year that provide invaluable support in funding extra curricular provisions - among other things - in our schools. FDG (DUNCTON AND GRAFFHAM SCHOOLS PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATION) is a registered charity, no. 1128619.

Online Payments For FGD Coming Soon

We’re working on a provision to allow for online payments, including Apple & Google Pay, right here in the Parent Portal for anything FGD related. Please keep an eye on the Friday Flyer for updates.