
Curriculum Intent:

Become confident and fluent in the principles of mathematics

Able to reason mathematically

Solve real life problems by applying mathematics

At Graffham Infants and Duncton Juniors we apply a ‘Teaching for Mastery’ approach using the White Rose program.   

This pedagogy supports pupils to develop a deep understanding of mathematics, using small steps to help all children grasp the fundamental concepts and develop a life-long love of learning mathematics.  

All learning activites are designed to include the key elements of fluency, problem solving and reasoning and children are challenged at a suitable level to ensure that they all make progress from their individual starting points. 

All staff follow the school’s calculation policy to ensure a clear progressive sequence in the development of arithmetic skills throughout their time at our schools. 

‘Maths Talk’ is really important and children are expected to use key mathematical vocabulary and terminology to explain and/or reason about their answers to questions. The multiplication tables are taught and assessed regularly to promote swift mental recall of key number facts and to give children more confident when completing calculations. 

Teaching for Mastery is a research and evidence-based approach that is recommended by the Department for Education (DfE) and the National College for Excellent in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM)..