Friday Flyer 21/3/25

This week has brought a mix of reflection, community engagement, and outdoor learning across both our schools. At Duncton, we received our SIAMS report, which we are absolutely delighted with—I have shared this with parents in a separate letter. Our Year 6 children also took part in a meaningful visit to the Chichester Foodbank, where they saw first-hand how donations support those in need. They played an active role in weighing and sorting the food they brought—thank you to families for your generosity. Meanwhile, at Graffham, I had the pleasure of joining Wild Wednesday, where the Reception children explored signs of new life – excitedly spotting buds and early spring flowers.  Year 1 set off on a nature walk with Mr. Lloyd, and Year 2 took a hands-on approach to measurement, crafting their own centimetre sticks from natural materials. A busy and enriching week all round!

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