Church Schools

Within our Church schools, we enable our children to develop a secure understanding of our Christian and Learning values. The teaching  of kindness is modelled and supported throughout all of our actions for children, their families and our community. We believe child-centred learning provides a voice so children can follow their interests with curiosity and creativity,

Ofsted (2021) say:
“Pupils’ personal development is strong. The school’s core Christian values of kindness, respect, hope, responsibility and friendship help to guide pupils to think about the wider difference they can make in their community and beyond.”

Graffham and Duncton are small village schools that empower children for a lifetime of happy learning.

  • We believe that children should have a voice in their learning and behaviour
  • We believe that children learn in different ways, and that we should provide child-centred environments and opportunities, particularly outdoors, to support their outcomes
  • We believe in offering choice, so that children can follow their interests with curiosity and creativity
  • We believe that all children should have outcomes that are as good or higher than schools nationally
  • We believe in supporting all children through our Learning and Christian values, which promote positive behaviour for learning and create caring members of the community
  • We believe that by listening to and caring for our families, the wellbeing of all children will be supported, and this will enable them to flourish within their learning
  • We believe that educational research should lead school improvement.


“A small school filled with curious minds,
big hearts, and happy voices”


CLICK HERE to read the report from the most recent Church Inspection of Duncton School (January 2017), where we were graded OUTSTANDING
“The school, through its distinctive Christian character, is outstanding
at meeting the needs of all learners”

Here is a representation of our Federation’s Christian values, designed by a former Year 6 pupil. We consider each of these values in our daily lives at Duncton Junior School, and we focus very firmly on KINDNESS at Graffham Infant School.