It has been a wonderful second week at Graffham and Duncton schools, and I am thoroughly enjoying getting to know more of our children and families. Thank you to everyone who has…
It has been a wonderful second week at Graffham and Duncton schools, and I am thoroughly enjoying getting to know more of our children and families. Thank you to everyone who has…
Here is a very full Friday flyer for you. Please have a read to see the words to our new school song, we have also included a piece from each class about…
On my final Friday flyer, I have a few final words of thanks. To my amazing school team, for masterminding my party on Monday and everything that has gone into it all…
It’s been a busy week this week in both schools this week, with the Carol service at Duncton and the Nativity at Graffham At Graffham, our Christmas Nativity was a highlight…
I will be talking to the children in both schools this week and in the next fortnight about me leaving the school as your headteacher and Mr Beckerson starting in January… Please…
The school is getting busy with rehearsals for Christmas performances now- lots of carols being practised everywhere! The children are singing these, in and out of rehearsals and I am sure that…
It was such a fun morning on Thursday, when we all got outside and experienced the joy of playing in the snow! Obviously, we were fortunate that the temperature lifted and the…
Thank you for all your donations today which will go to CHILDREN IN NEED today, including the cake raffle money we have raised £250. Read more here… FF 15 11 24
If there are any of our current Year 2 parents, who have not yet had the opportunity to look around Duncton, please do please do make an appointment with Vanessa in the…
It has been the longest of half terms! So we know that your little ones are really tired- so we hope that everyone has a restful and fun half term, whatever adventures…