Graffham OFSTED – 2021 (good)
‘This is a nurturing, supportive school that has our child’s happiness at the centre of all that it does.’
Key points from the report:
- Graffham is a vibrant school where learning is engaging and exciting.
- Reading is a high priority. Staff use their expert knowledge to support pupils and help them to learn to read quickly.
- Playtimes are harmonious. Pupils and staff do not accept any form of bullying or unkindness.
- Staff have high expectations.
- Pupils feel confident in reporting any concerns they may have and feel that they will be acted upon.
- Leaders make sure that the needs of the small number of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are identified appropriately
Duncton OFSTED – 2024 (good)
‘The school has an absolute laser focus on the child which results in thriving children ready for the outside world.’
Key points from the report:
- The school is ambitious for what all pupils can achieve, regardless of their needs
- The school has clear and high expectations for pupils’ behaviour.
- The school has developed an impressive programme to
support pupils’ individual needs and wider development. - The curriculum is ambitious and well planned.
- Teachers have strong subject knowledge. They use this to present learning clearly. This supports pupils to achieve well, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
- The school prepares pupils well for their future lives.
Graffham SIAMS – 2019
Key findings:
- The Christian character of the school is shown through its ethos of nurture which results in a school community feeling that they are part of a family.
- Behaviour and relationships are warm and welcoming
and create a positive, happy and secure environment. - The school’s inclusive, child centred curriculum recognises every child as unique.
- Collective worship is invitational, inclusive and is developing pupils’ spirituality.
Duncton SIAMS – 2017
Key findings:
- The distinctiveness and effectiveness of Duncton as a Church of England school are outstanding.
- A very strong Christian vision of leadership, based on Christian values and their biblical teaching, firmly
underpins all aspects of school life. - The distinct Christian setting where all God’s children are valued and pupil voice shapes school improvement.
- The wide range of high quality opportunities and experiences encourage the Spiritual development of all pupils.