Our Governing Body

Our school governors play an essential role in helping us achieve our vision of providing an excellent, inclusive education for all our students. Working closely with our headteacher and staff, the governing body helps set the strategic direction, ensures we maintain high standards, and supports the continuous development of our school community. Our governors bring a range of skills, experiences, and a deep commitment to the success and well-being of every student. Together, they help us create a positive, nurturing environment where all learners can thrive and reach their full potential.

Mrs Pippa Bass is Clerk to the Governing Body and can be contacted by email:


Ofsted say
“Leaders, managers, staff and members of the governing body form an excellent team.”

Andrew Mills

Community Governor

Barbara Smith

Vice Chair Of Governors & H&S

Caroline Smithers

Community Governor

Danielle Mills

Community Governor

Emma Vernon

Giovanni Soffietto

Chair Of Governors & Safeguarding

Henrietta Aparicio

Vice Chair Of Governors, Finance & P/P

Mr. Beckerson

Head Teacher

Mrs. Harris

Class Teacher - Kestrel Class and Staff Governor

Rev. David Crook

Foundation Governor

Rev. Vivien Turner

Foundation Governor

Rob Sherwood

Parent Governor

William Goodwin

Local Authority Governor & Finance